Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk

I've always had a strong connection to this Rufus Wainwright song. Though I don't smoke (anymore) and Nesquick doesn't do a thing for me. If it had been my song it might have been called Cheetos and Giant Cups of Coffee. Not quite the same ring, I'm afraid, but you get the picture.  I am not a woman of modest appetites. I never have been. And not just when it comes to food. But let's be honest, it comes down to food a lot

I have never understood how people can walk away from anything halfway through. I'm not saying I don't envy them--they're usually quite a bit thinner than me, for starters--just that I don't get how they do it. How can you turn your back on the last piece of cake? Or spend half a vacation day in a hotel room? How can you watch just one X-Files episode and not want to settle in for an all day marathon? Seriously, tell me. I'm dying to know how you do it.

Yeah, like he says, we won't mention those things. But I will say there is an upside to this constant hunger--my mind is always humming. I never worry about running out of story ideas, never fret that I won't be able to come up with unusual characters to write about, because they're always there. The downside--they're always there.

Yeah, what he said.


Rachael Herron said...

I never knew he said "tower of pisa" before you wrote that out. That explains a lot. And yep, this was my anthem for a long time (and I LOVED both cigs and chocolate milk, sometimes, strangely, at the same time). Great post.

Juliet Blackwell said...

LOVE this! I think we should *all* be people of great appetites. Isn't that what life's all about? I think those aesthetes are really missing out. Maybe that's why we're authors, because we want to live more than one life, see the world through more than one set of eyes.

Tom Neely said...

For me, most times, it's a bit of a contest to see how many times I can say "Okay, just one more" and still have it sound sincere. I'm getting pretty good at it too, much to my doctor's chagrin. :^)

Nicole Peeler said...

I think indulgence is really an art. There's gluttony, and then there is indulgence. I like to think I've learned the art of indulgence. ;-)

Adrienne Bell said...

Juliet - I think you're right, you smart lady, you.

Nicole -ohhhh. I love that.

Rochelle Staab said...

Exactly! What's the sense of bringing something into my house unless I intend to consume all of it? The boxes, bags, cans, or plates call from the kitchen: "Hey, you aren't going to just leave these. What if..." And then I'm a goner.

Camille Minichino said...

That last piece of cake? You might as well eat it so it won't be there to tempt you tomorrow.

Martha Flynn said...

There are people who just watch one episode of X-Files (people....or ALIENS???)

Adrienne Bell said...

Rochelle - So true, especially if that something just happens to be made of chocolate.

Camille - Exactly. Cake is an evil temptress, i tell you. An evil, delicious temptress.

Martha - Crazy, I know. But they're out there.

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