I really do think it’s important to celebrate the small things. Because life throws us so many curves and unexpected roadblocks that when we hit a high, it needs to be catalogued and acknowledged and well, celebrated.
So one of the things that happens once you become a writer is that there are milestones along the way that perhaps really only seem like milestones to other writers. (Or at least that’s what we like to tell ourselves). Seemingly little things that deserve a check mark on a list of actions that make us REAL writers.
Each of these moments are little triumphs in their own right.
Having a plotting breakthrough.
Pens plotting and query reading
Finishing a draft. Crafting a query letter. Hitting send on a manuscript.
Your first rejection.
A good reminder card given to me after a series of rejections
Tackling the revision letter. Re-sending your manuscript.
Your first book signing.
Rachael's first signing
Your first meeting with your editor, agent, publicist. Starting a blog. Starting a grog. Building a website. Your first interview.
Finding your book in a store.
A night of bookspotting (which is NOTHING like trainspotting)
Your first release. Your first award. Your first mention in the NYT Book Review. Your first list.
You celebrate for yourself and you celebrate for your friends. :)
I’ve hit some of these and I’m still waiting on others. But one thing remains constant...each time I hit one, the Pens will be there to celebrate with me.
Happy New Year! May 2011 be the year for you.
I love this photo album post!
What a great year in review. And now we're off on a whole new year. I believe in all of us so much!
Celebrating these small successes is so important! When I started taking my writing seriously, I had NO IDEA how complicated publishing was. There's no question I would have given up had it not been for taking time to savor and celebrate those small successes.
Such great photos, thanks! And I agree with you --and with what Gigi says above-- that we MUST celebrate all the big and little things that come our way. They are, after all, the daily gifts that keep us going.
May we all have much to celebrate in the year to come!!!
Awwww. This made me tear up. And this is why we love you -- you are the BEST celebrator I know. xo
I love this post. And you had better believe we'll be there joyfully screaming the walls down when some brilliant editor snaps up one of your books.
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