Tell us what your new year's resolution is (or isn't!)....we'll draw one name from today's comments to receive a $20 Barnes & Noble gift certificate and copies of A BAD DAY FOR SORRY by Sophie Littlefield and SECONDHAND SPIRITS by Juliet Blackwell as well as a "reader's choice" book!
We appreciate all our readers. Thanks for being Pens friends!
You may have seen this before, Soph, but my resolution is to surprise myself, in whatever way that may be. Do something I've never imagined, scare the crap out of myself, etc. I use the same resolution every year and always manage to keep it. Life is full of surprises.
I already have a copy of your book (you can save on shipping if you pick me!) but I'd love a copy of Julie's and that gift card!
A bit of a cheat in my case, since I already have the books. However... I resolve to meet all my BoucherFriends in San Francisco, plus all the Pens Fatales if they're in the area.
No resolutions for me. Instead I keep a list of goals. Attainable, reasonable, realistic goals. To some of them I'll attach a reward: If I do ______, then I have earned _____.
Sometimes the reward is a nap. Heh. Most times it's a nap.
First time here--looks like I have another blog to read daily!
My resolution is to drink more milk. I hate the stuff but as I get older I realize that my bones are gonna need all the help they can get.
So far, I've drank about 5 times the amount of milk I drank last year. I found that I prefer strawberry milk to chocolate milk and that a convenience store serving will last me most of the morning (because I'm not a breakfast eater, either!).
Here's to your resolutions!
My resolution is to drink more milk. I hate the stuff but as I get older I realize my bones are gonna need all the help they can get.
I've found that I like strawberry better than chocolate and that a convenience store container will last me most of the morning (I'm not a breakfast eater, either!).
Here's to your resolutions!
I'm going to get off the damn diet soda. Right after . . . this one!
My resolution is to finish the cardigan I tarted knitting in 2008. It's so close now! Just needs sleeves and a hem.
My resolution is to learn how to relax and CALM DOWN my spastic self before I have a baby in March and turn my life upside down. Yeah... should be interesting.
I resolve to come up with new ways to keep my boss at bay, so I can surf writing forums and agent blogs more.
I resolve to spend some quality time with my friends and not just the people that live in my house.
My resolution is to not stress about the little things in life that seem like big things at the time. My laundry can wait another couple days if I really want to fininsh my scene. Right? ;-)
My resolution is to keep my novel dare going all year long. I may have mini-dares with other goals (like plotting or reading) in between major writing times, but I will be making progress every day.
Miss Yarnagogo sent me here. My resolution is to try to eat more fruit (notice how I say TRY instead of just "eat more fruit"? I like to build in an escape clause).
My resolution is to wear sunscreen. All over. All the time. Even at night.
My resolution is to be more. More positive, more healthy, more active and engaged in my life etc.
I usually LOVE making New Year's Resolutions, whether I keep them or not (and no, I didn't learn to make risotto last year), but this year, I've decided on one resolution - to write every day.
I don't have a word count or a format - so it can be long or short, and it can be a journal entry, a blog post, new fiction, editing my NaNoWriMo novel, whatever - but I am going to write every day.
So far I've failed, but I also contracted a stomach virus that's kept me out of commission this past week, so I gave myself a pass.
I love resolutions! My two main ones this year are to be more adventurous in my life, and to "use things up," like the good candles, and the good yarn, and the expensive paints, and ... all that. Stop being stingy with stuff for me!
MaryB in Richmond
My resolution this year it to visit Japan, just like I promised my husband seven years ago. This year, it's going to happen!
My resolution is to not give up chocolate. I can do that one! =) You guys probably wanted a serious resolution. This year I'm going to work on my descriptive writing.
One of my resolutions this year is to read more books! I love to read but have gotten into the bad habit of being a couch potato and channel surfing rather than picking up a book. I'm going to renew my library card and start reading more often again!
500 word (min) x 5 days a week.
45 minute workout (min) x 4 days a week.
Will be unendurably proud of myself at 80% success....
Develop a home yoga practice and walk every other day. So far, so good!
to open an etsy shop!
I resolve to keep writing, even though I just went back to work full-time after finishing an MFA.
My sole resolution this year is to finish my Ph.D.
My resolution is to tell each person in my family (and try with friends when I see them) every day one wonderful/happy/good thing about them that they've done that day.
My main resolution is tired of not taking care of me.
My resolution is to keep track of all the books I read this year--like How to Knit a Love Song.
My resolution is to finish my master's degree! Classes start in March.
I don't really make resolutions... just keep trying to be a better person.
One of them is to keep an actual dated list of the books I read.
Ok. So, main resolution is to finish my manuscript, shop it around and then get an agent!! Resolution 2 is to finish my new book that I just started.
Should my Resolution 3 be to ACTUALLY OFFICIALLY become a member of RWA? Me thinks so.
I'm going with Rachel: not to stab anyone. And nine days in, I'm still sticking to it!
To get 7.5 hours of sleep each night.
To knit up a significant portion of my stash and to make the move to Boston from Oklahoma happen this summer. No excuses.
I resolve to win this contest!
Or some other contest.
I stopped entering contests long ago, because I never win anything. You have, however, drawn me in with your seductive prizes. I'm feeling lucky, ladies.
-Mary Grae
I resolve to knit more, get more sleep, and snarl at people a little less.
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