Dontcha just love research?
Maybe it’s because I was trained as an anthropologist, and then worked as a social worker. I adore listening to people, watching them, studying them, interviewing them. Even in my latest occupation–painting murals and faux finishes in people’s homes—I love listening in while I paint. When you work in someone’s house for a while, you become a piece of the furniture. Rich people, especially, seem to easily forget you’re there. Not that I'm a gossip, but it fascinates me to see how differently people view the world. Give me a glass of wine and a few hours, and I could tell you stories…
Which is precisely my point. When we writers talk about research, most of us think of Google –and indeed, it’s a fabulous, irreplaceable resource. (Seriously, what did we ever do without it?) But to me, the biggest part of being a writer is listening, watching, observing. In anthropology, "hanging around and noticing things" is a legitimate form of qualitative research, called "fieldwork."
For my latest series featuring a witch with a vintage clothing store, I've gone to coven meetings and spent afternoons wandering aimlessly around Haight Street scouting secondhand clothing. I've interviewed witches and store owners. I've mixed up herbal balms and observed a clothing conservationist doing the laundry (much more interesting than it might sound).
If I sit around waiting for my imagination to come up with random ideas, I’m in for a long wait. Life, on the other hand, is chock-full-o' stories for the borrowing. The other day I noticed a torn note under a windshield wiper: “Amber: call this number. Trust me. 555-8769” ... my imagination was stoked. Was it from an old boyfriend? Could Amber owe money to someone? Was it a job opportunity? Has a child has been kidnapped and only Amber will be able to save it?
How about a ratty leather satchel left on BART, covered in French stickers? A frail old woman being helped from the bus by a punk in a thug outfit? A stripper with a chatty streak? Life is fascinating, and everyone has a story. I mean everyone. The kid on the way to school with a backpack half her body size. The fiftyish neighbor who lives alone with cats. The mail carrier who keeps misdelivering mail. They’ve all got something to say…and even if they don’t, I’ll bet I can make something up for them based on clues in their dress, bearing, and mode of speech.
Hmm, I feel a story coming on.
I love research.
Jules, You say research, I say Miss nosey boots. I truely believe that some one could put you in a locked empty room somewhere and you could come up with a facinating story. By the way, this "research", is it tax deductable?
Sounds like a plan to me.
One thing I learned early on, first as an anthropologist and now as a writer-- *everythin* is tax-deductible!
Hmm, I'm good with the eavesdropping thing (LOVE that) but haven't quite worked my way up to one on one interviews. OTOH, it's difficult to interview spies :)
I'm always shocked at how happy most people are to be interviewed. I think people enjoy talking about themselves, by and large. on the other hand, I haven't asked anyone secret agents...I suppose there are some difficulties inherent in that scenario!
Oh, how I do love interviews. So much more fun than reading stuffy old books! Um, maybe this is why I was a horrid academic ;)
Which coffee place is this? :)
The new Caffe Trieste that just opened on Piedmont ave. Awesome, right?
you are my interviewing hero! some day I am going to develop the bravery necessary for that.
I was thinking the other day that for me the scary part is approaching people I don't know, who might or might not be cool with talking to me. And i had an idea. What if i turned it upside down, and instead, waited until i met someone really cool, then interviewed them on the spot, and forced my plot to conform to whatever they told me? LIke remember when we were talking to that supernice copy shop owner? there's got to be a way that my postapocalyptic horror novel can revolve around copier technology...
*SNORT!* Frodo and the Fairy Queen, except naked. Spew alert next time!
I love eavesdropping. I really do...
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