I try not to talk about it. I’ve been working on it over the last few years and I’ve gotten better. But I’m still not completely cured.
I have trouble saying NO.
My default answer (even when I reset) comes up, “sure, you need me to:
1. Moderate an online class for the month
2. Cook food for 20 people twice in one week
3. Buy and donate food for the high school barbecue fundraiser
4. Have my parents and sister visit for a week
5. Start an exercise challenge
6. Do Nano”
Okay, so I admit the last two are for me and I signed up of my own free will. But whenever I embark on NaNo I have the best of intentions and the desire to ‘win’. And every year other stuff comes up (you’re supposed to cut out everything but writing) and I feel guilty if I don’t say yes.
So here I am, once again, ten days into NaNo and all six of those things are on my To-Do list. And now I’m caught in the middle. As my parent’s visit starts tomorrow (my house is semi-clean), I’m going to exercise class once a day, and I’m writing every day, and monitoring and shopping and cooking and attending end of season, soccer, waterpolo and cross country banquets. I’m trying to squeeze everything in but something will have to give.
So I’m torn...do I continue on my path to physical health and wellness or my spiritual path to completing NaNo? And isn’t it amazing that the choice comes down to the two things I chose for myself?
ps. I want to win but I always figure that every word I get down in November is a WIN
Practice this - out loud: "No, I'm sorry I won't be able to do that right now."
The end.
Shleby--I *know*!! I am getting better I bailed, er, declined to attend a board meeting for a volunteer position I hold.... :) but gee it's hard. That good girl syndrome kicks in and I need to be available for everyone.
My favorite trick -- give your visitors the keys to your car and a fun destination. Then wave goodbye, and you've got several hours to write.
Rinse and repeat.
I've always thought that I had to choose between writing time and exercise time, but now that I've been thrown headlong into a 10-hour a week exercise program, it turns out I net a bit of time, being healthier and more positive. At some point I have to swap out *some* hours, but will try to think of exercise time as pre-writing time from now on :)
Good luck Lisa!!!!
Mysti-you are absolutely correct. i have more energy when i work out regularly. good for you on 10 hrs a week and I *love* the idea of considering exercise as pre-writing :)
Here you go: "I know I said I could do xyz for you, but after looking at my schedule, I really don't think it will be possible. I'm truly sorry for any inconvenience this causes you."
And if you're lucky, they'll be so upset you flaked that they won't ask you again, and you won't have to worry about how to say no.
I like Mysti's advice. Especially the Rinse and Repeat part. I'm going to try that next time I have long-term guests....
oh you guys, i wish you could have seen us all trying to teach Lisa the "no" trick! She's kind of a remedial student...she's had to re-take that class every year for a decade. :)
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