For example, the way time expands and contracts, relative to what you're doing.
I don't just mean how, when one's book is due, say, in one week... that week seems like two days. Or how it also, simultaneously, drags on for a month, so that it's impossible to remember Life Before Manuscript Due .
How about when you take a trip to...anywhere, really... as long as it's someplace new. Time slows down. You return home three days later and folks hardly even noticed you were gone, but you may well have had a life-altering experience. At the same time, the time absolutely flew and you can't believe it's over.
Right now, though, all I can think about is the manuscript that was due two days ago (seems like an eternity) editor gave me a couple of extra days, which is great because I need the time, but not so great because I will take all the time I can get, which means the days will simultaneously stretch ahead of me and rush by, and I won't get to other stuff. Petty things like paying bills (those bill collectors apparently don't understand the whole "time is relative" thing) or fulfilling those obligations to friends and family and colleagues that have been piling up over the past few weeks.
Wish I could see the future, and see how it all turns out. But I guess I'll wait for time to unfold its mysteries, on its own schedule.
I can't resist adding this quote from Einstein: The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
Makes sense, doesn't it: you don't have enough time and it feels like everything is piled on top of you, demanding to be done at the same time.
Don't you love how physics explains everything?
I LOVE it!!! I especially love having a physics explanation for my craziness. I always thought chemistry explained a few things in my life, as well...
Yes, there's no other reason to study science except to explain ourselves.
(Is there an anthropologist in the house??)
Good luck with the deadline! We missed you! :)
Don't wish for the crystal ball, sugar - as hard as it is to wait and see what's going to happen next, let life surprise you!
Hey--I *finally* was able to pick up Secondhand Spirits at my Borders. Yay!!! The last two times I tried they were sold out. But now I have it in my hot little hands. Yippee! :)
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