Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Martha's List of Cheap Thrills

I am a sucker for that head to toe sizzling sensation.

Here are a few standbys that always get me going:

The Stratosphere Big Shot in Las Vegas

Rides like this don't always get to me, but maybe because this one's in Vegas, it's my favorite and I used to go several times a year. My husband planned to propose to me at the Big Shot! (Yes, planned is the operative word there...that's another story.)

I can't take you to the real thing so here's my next best shot at it:

The Kiss Sequence in Catch and Release

All right, so anything with Timothy Olyphant is a safe bet with me. I may have blogged about this before, but what makes this scene great is the range of emotions that happen in a 60 second sequence. I can barely make it through two sets of emotions in one long-ass scene. But in this scene, Jennifer Garner's character has just discovered Timothy Olyphant's character has been hiding her dead fiance's affair from her.

She begins the scene angry, moves to awareness and desire, and quickly to shame and loathing. He begins the scene annoyed, also moves to awareness and desire, and ends the scene with regret and yearning. Did I mention he's Timothy Olyphant? Sigh. Drool. All that.

Boy's 15 Year Old Bday on Michael Buble

In this clip, a mom talks her son onto stage at Michael Buble's concert citing his birthday. What follows is so genuine, I can't watch without grinning ear to ear and actually clapping.

I hope these thrill you as much as they thrill me!


Juliet Blackwell said...

Love this! Especially that kiss -- ****HOT*** -- and what an amazingly sweet moment with Buble on stage. Thanks for the lovely start to my day!

Unknown said...

Martha!! I think I need to see Catch and Release-- like NOW. That kiss was fabulous. And the Buble clip made me sniffle. :) As for the Big Shot...not a fucking chance in hell.

L.G.C. Smith said...

Lisa, you so need to see "Catch and Release." Martha, these are great clips. Thanks! I think I might like Michael Bublé now. I never paid any attention to him before.

Adrienne Bell said...

That Michael Buble clip was *adorable*. A-dorable!

Sophie Littlefield said...

aw martha - i think what i like best is that you mix up all these unrelated crazy things and you get - a martha. :)